Sunday, January 20, 2008

Bpeace power. Bpeace potential.

Solina and Kate in front of Solina's truck with the logo that Bpeace helped her create. The newly decorated truck sits along the boundary of land she recently purchased for a new nursery.
What makes Bpeace's work so powerful? What makes the potential so great?
  • Our ever expanding heart for the women we serve (and this week it grew immeasurably).
  • Our search for understanding and new ways of being and doing so we can better impact.
  • And our member's ability to make things happen.
We do this work because our hearts call us. You don't use up your heart here but learn that it grows in the moments we create together, human to human, crossing cultures. "Stand in my shoes and look at the world from here" is the voice which rises as you ride along the poor yet stunning green countryside, meet the eyes of the roadside faces or sit in a quiet moment with a woman and her story. "Their shoes" makes us search for the ways which we can be better, do more, leave more . . .
Reflecting AND doing. While Solina was working with Bpeace marketing and finance volunteers visiting her in Rwanda, her traveling mentoring, a horticultural expert, was making things happen from home. Evidence? The email we received today:

"Hi all, Good news- it looks like we might have success recruiting the Universtity to do Soline's irrigation project. A friend of mine who lives in the college's town has many friends who work there and referred me to this guy. I will follow up and seal the deal. Susan, please remember to bring home the site plans that Soline has. Due to the issue with the burial site, I know she has a revised land survey plan, but the site plan may still need to be revised. If it has not been done yet, tell her to send the original plan. Sabra, The project will not be completed until May. We will not know the estimated cost until then, but Soline should include some number in her business plan, as her loan will need to cover it. I am taking a wild guess that $1,500. should cover it.

Thanks, Tatyana"

Bpeace power. Bpeace potential . . . .Heart. Reflection. Action

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What beautiful photographs that give us an inkling of whats going on. It looks as though the "hills are alive with the sound" of Bpeace music. Its been such a successful mission. I wish you all peace and a peaceful return. The follow up in these back to back trips has made all the difference in the world. Congratulate yourself. As always, wish that I was there. Loretta Davis