Monday, January 14, 2008

Pushing a new logo through the market

Can we afford marketing? Sabra provides the know how. From Toni: "Visiting the Associates with Sabra, is like accompanying a goddess. Soline and Pascasie nearly jumped into her arms. They both are so appreciative of the operations and financial consulting Sabra provides."

New logo on the trucks in Sept, now seen on the staff t-shirts
here modeled by Solina and one of her beautiful staffers

Saint Paula will still be about greenery, but the brand will be more visible.

Toni and Solina begin to talk how.


Unknown said...

this is a test, my comments don't seem to publish--you'd figure after all these years I'd get it straight!! XXL

Anonymous said...

BPeace is fabulous, great to see the photos from Rwanda, great to have a sense of being there, delighted to hear that you are working on marketing. Looking forward to doing whatever I can do to promote your work.

Anonymous said...

The photos speak 1000's of words -- GREAT going everyone -- to our hardworking and marketing-saavy associates; to the energetic Bpeace team!!! I'm cheering for you!! xxx, Wendy S.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh - reading through the last several posts - I want BPeace to come and help me with MY business ;-)
Fabulous work - behind you all the way - special kiss for Athena from Rhumba who asks that you bring him home some Indian food! - Kathy Loh

Pamela Varkony said...

Toni, Kate, and Team...

I think there are lots of Goddesses in Rwanda doing good works. You are all incredible. The photos are wonderful and help to transport us to what looks like a warm and lush place...
Very appealing right now as I sit at my computer in wet, frigid Pennsylvania.

Please tell our associates that there are many people they will never meet who feel like they are friends.

Come home to us, safely.

Unknown said...

Hello Rwanda team!! Warm greetings from Paula and Rangina in snowy Boston!

We see you are doing great things (as always). You all rock -- keep up the good work.

Rangina and I are speaking tonight, and we will be thinking of you.

BIG hugs,

Paula and Rangina
Belmont, Massachusetts

Anonymous said...

wow. you guys are amazing. it all sounds so powerful. i love the pictures and seeing what you guys are doing. be safe.